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When Navigating Life's Storms Cloud the Path to Your True Self


Deep down, you've faced your own unique challenges and struggles that have held you back from reaching your full potential. Perhaps you've grappled with self-doubt, struggled to maintain healthy relationships, or felt crushed under the weight of financial worries.

You might have experienced the constant stress of a high-pressure job, or felt lost on your spiritual journey. And then there's the ever-present challenge of navigating change and finding purpose in a rapidly evolving world.

I know that the frustration, pain, and disappointment you've endured may resurface as you read more, reminding you of the obstacles you've faced and the dreams that still feel out of reach. Which stormy path do you resonate with?


Self-Doubting Sarah

A talented artist who constantly doubts her own abilities, Sarah has spent years refining her craft, yet she never feels good enough to share her work with others. Deep down, she knows she has something special to offer, but her fear of rejection and criticism keeps her from pursuing her dreams.

Sarah feels trapped in a cycle of self-doubt and missed opportunities, unable to embrace her full potential as an artist and express her true self.


Alienated Alex

Alex is a kind-hearted young man who's always been the go-to person for friends and family in need. But when it comes to his own relationships, he struggles to set boundaries, often feeling taken advantage of and underappreciated. His inability to communicate his needs and establish healthy connections leaves him feeling disconnected and unfulfilled.

Alex desperately wishes to develop the skills to nurture meaningful relationships while still honoring his own self-worth and needs.


Limited-Belief Liza

Liza is a hardworking single mom who feels stuck in a low-paying job with no room for growth. Despite her best efforts, she struggles to make ends meet and provide a better life for her family. She's convinced that she's destined for a life of financial hardship, not realizing that her limiting beliefs about money are holding her back.

Liza dreams of breaking free from the cycle of poverty and creating a secure, prosperous future for herself and her children.


Divinely Directionless Derrick

Derrick is a man who has always felt disconnected from his own spirituality. Raised in a strictly religious household, he's struggled to find his own spiritual path and forge a deeper connection with his inner self. He feels lost and disoriented, yearning for a sense of purpose and a more profound understanding of his place in the universe.

Derrick dreams of awakening his spiritual side and unlocking his true potential as a conscious, connected being.



Unearthing the Resilience Within, and Journeying From Chaos to Consciousness


If you resonate with one or more of these sojourning souls, then you are still very much in the right place, my friend. I’ve been where they’re at. I've been right where YOU are now. I can say that because I’ve been through it all. I have lived practically each of those stories in some way. I almost drowned at the age of 12, which led me to move through life with crippling fear and imposter syndrome.

Over the years, I've battled chronic health issues, almost died in car accidents, lost a multi-million-dollar business to the economy, and even lost my entire home – and everything I’ve ever had in it - to a fire, and so much more.

But through it all, I discovered how to become resilient in the face of hopelessness, beat my addiction to painkillers, and most importantly, found my true calling as Roger Burnley, an intuitive empowerment life coach and cosmic consciousness channeler. I stumbled upon a "cure" to being unsuccessful and hopeless.



They Can't Believe It Was This Easy. Who's Footsteps Will You Follow?

Courageous Carrie

Carrie has had several life-long struggles that she couldn't move through with therapy alone. In one month of doing the work in Your Last Development Program, she reports that she feels empowered and confident after facing her triggering roadblocks head-on!

Instead of feeling restricted and imprisoned by her challenges, she now feels like she knows herself in a way she never had before. She can work through just about anything that stands in her way now.

"I have never done anything like this!"


Daring Darren

Before he started with Your Last Development Program, Darren shared that he struggled with accepting what experienced in his past. He felt a lot of critical judgments and negative feelings towards himself, and didn't realize how much it was holding him back from living to his potential.

After a few weeks into the program, key insights for him clicked as he went through acceptance and commitment exercises, helping him see the value of everything that had happened to him in the past that he initially wasn't willing to acknowledge. He saw himself in a much more favorable light, and was able to cultivate the self-forgiveness and compassion he didn't realize he needed.

"This whole thing really gave me hope when I thought there wasn't any left."


Awe-Inspiring Ana

Ana had always wanted a career in singing and vocal coaching, but chronic ailments with her voice prevented her from really getting to where she wanted with her life. She often thought that she was cursed with the "wrong dream," and was unaware of just how much anger she felt when she became stuck doing work that wasn't aligned with her soul's purpose.

Not only was she able to work through all of her anger, but through mindfulness and specific practices under Roger's guidance, her chronic physical issues dissolved, and her dreams of singing and vocal coaching was made real.

"Everything changed in my life! Every, single, thing!"


Tenacious Terri

Terri is a hardworking entrepreneur, full-time mom, and spiritual wife. Before she found Roger, she was having many challenges with her daughter's health issues, critical problems in her marriage, and turbulences with her business. She was working herself into a hole she wasn't sure she was ever going to be able to climb out of.

After working with Roger and his programs, she was able to mend her marriage, shore up her business to rake in unexpected profits, and she even found an energy healer inside Your Last Development Program's community who is working with both her and her daughter.

"It just sort of happens one day. Suddenly, you realize you've changed after coming such a long way!"

They have transformed their lives. Now it's your turn.



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